John Rooney 25th April 2024

I first met Ray in the first week of the Graphic Design course at Liverpool Poly. He walked over, with his big beaming grin he said, Hiya i’m Ray and i’m from Oldham! He must have heard another north Manchester accent and came over to investigate We got on straight away. Ray was sharp, clever and could see that moving graphics were the future. He was right. We went our separate ways after college, but i kept in contact with Jonny and Becky (Ray’s sister in law). Last year, i met up with Jonny in Manchester, i asked how Ray was getting on. I often wondered what he was doing, he was so good, i thought he would be doing something interesting. Then i found out he was working for Marvel, which can only do if you are the best, which he was. I saw some pics of him at a wedding last year, which was a nice memory to have right now. I am sure there will be many wonderful tributes to Ray from those who’ve known him for many years, i wanted to add mine from our college days. Love and thoughts go to his family and friends.