Danielle 29th April 2024

Ray was both the kindest, and coolest, father-in-law you could ever possibly have. He was always a man with a plan, always doing something, and usually making me feel guilty for sitting down. I could go on and on about all the kind and generous things he has done for me over the too short amount of time I knew him; the way he welcomed me with open arms into his home and family, the way he delivered three course meals on a tray to my bedroom door when I had to isolate during the pandemic, the way he drove to London at 5am to come and tidy up my garden, just to drive straight back home again once he was finished. Ray’s love language was acts of service. There was nothing he wouldn’t do, or ends of the earth he wouldn’t go, for the people he loved, and it is my greatest privilege to be included within his inner circle. My list of gratitude’s are as long as Ray’s accolades, but the thing I am most grateful for, from the extended list of wonders, is for his son, Caspar. Ray measured up in every measure of a man, he was a wonderful husband and father, and he has raised Caspar to be the same. I’m so incredibly grateful we got to spend last year celebrating our wedding with him, and of course have Ray decorating the venue and tables to Hollywood (and his very high) standards. I will treasure the memories I have made with Ray forever. There is a big hole in my heart and ceiling (it’s a long story) that will never be filled. Thank you, Ray, for giving me the most wonderful husband, and for being my father-in-law.