Cas and Seb 1st June 2024

This is to the finest man we have ever known and the most brilliant father two boys could have ever wished for. Baba, in spite of your physical absence, we know that you will always be with us. No matter the distance or the time gone by, you and your memory will forever be one of our most cherished treasures, a feeling of hiraeth forever woven into the fabric of our being. With endless love and care, you embraced every iteration of us, and for that, we are forever grateful. You have always been one of our foundations in this life. Even now, that foundation remains. You remain. For as long as we each draw breath, this is one of the many ways you live on. However, we can't help but be acutely aware that an oar is absent from each of our boats. The journeys we are now each destined to take, will never be the same. Each time we row a little further, we will both forever mourn the absence of that most cherished oar; for it is irreplaceable. That being said, although your body now rests beneath an open sky, we both trust that the wisdom, strength and brilliance of your spirit will guide us forward along new paths. If it were five, twenty, or a hundred years, we could never let you go willingly. We will forever miss you. That love is eternal and the rest of our days will be spent mourning your absence. However, we must accept that death is an innate part of life; another path, one that we all must take. By living in accordance with the lessons you taught and exemplified, we can hope to honour your legacy. Just as we have both known Mama all our lives, through the stories and teachings you shared, our children will know you, the torch will be passed on, and the tree of life shall continue to blossom. Our world will be forever poorer without you, but you can rest well, knowing that your work here is done. While we both yearn for what could have been, we must be forever grateful for what we had. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, and all we can do is cherish the time we are given. You knew that better than most and wholeheartedly embraced every precious second gifted in the rich tapestry that is your life. Whenever death comes for us, we can only hope that we are found as truly alive as you. It’s already been heaven knowing you, so, whatever the place, whenever the time, be it in the afterlife, another life or across the multiverse, our Baba, our hero, until we meet again. Love always, your boys. — 
I come into the peace of wild things 
who do not tax their lives with forethought
 of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.