My friend Ray

Created by Stewart 4 months ago
I can’t believe I’m writing these words about my dear friend Raymondo… I’ve known Ray for over thirty years from his days working under JB (their mutual love and admiration for each other endured until the very end) and he was the embodiment of what a good friend should be; kind, supportive, giving, thoughtful beyond words and no matter where he was in the world or for how long we hadn’t seen each other, we’d always pick up where we left off as if it had been only yesterday! We’d talk about everything and anything from family, current affairs, gossip, style, business, and of course… cars. We’d always talk about cars - which Ray absolutely loved! From his Scirocco, the Porsche, his beloved Rangey and his newest acquisition for running around in which he bought only a few short weeks ago; his Jeep Cherokee. He loved them all; treating and keeping every car he owned in tip-top condition and impeccably turned out… much the way he very stylishly was himself! When we acquired our new Headquarters down in Redhill, it was Ray who was first in line to volunteer his services with both hard labour and of course his impeccable eye for design… We have a large, angled internal window overlooking the works, affectionately dubbed the ‘Dr Evil’s Lair’ window which Ray suggested, drew and then proceeded to build in a way that was simply inspired! It draws comments from anyone who visits and it looks as good today as it did 22 years ago when he made it a reality. We couldn’t thank him enough! Of course, professionally, we were so proud to be Ray’s ‘Go To’ Picture Vehicle team from the very early days of commercials and then graduating to films. Whenever Ray had the say, we loved nothing more than bringing his vision to life… I always remember a scene in ‘Enigma’ where a pre-war car seat had to be dredged out of a lake and Ray was unhappy with the one props had made… We built a very authentic squab made with antique leather, wood, seat springs and horse hair… Ray’s comment when he saw it in his own inimitable voice… “Noice” - he loved it. I was so pleased when he enlisted us on his last film… We bounced ideas back and forth to make sure the vehicles really told their own story and, without giving the game away, everything you see was out of Ray’s incredible imagination and design which we in turn interpreted and brought to life to astounding results - I believe his very best work car-wise. The support and trust he gave me and the DC crew was as-ever, second to none. Cementing 32 years of friendship and of course, being invited to work within his department alongside his most trusted Art Department team was a real privilege! Ray, I am so very sad you’ve been snatched away from us so soon, my heartfelt thoughts, love and light at this time go to Lindsay, Caspar, Sebastian and Danielle who have lost their absolute Hero. I love you man ❤️ X