John Beard 26th April 2024

I first met Ray in the early 90s working on commercials. I was immediately drawn to his exceptional energy and enthusiasm together with his positive and cheerful attitude. As soon as I could, in 1994, I started him on a film, ‘Hackers’, as an art department assistant. I then kept him with me as often as possible for the next 14 years as he rose rapidly through all the art department grades to where he became my regular art director. His talents were complete; his drawing, both sketches and technical were very graphic and stylish, his organisation, management and people skills were the best, plus his reliability and time keeping was second to none. Over that time we had become good friends, not least because we shared a way of achieving our job, giving confidence and encouragement to all those we had chosen to work with us, and creating the best possible caring environment for us all to progress in. From the start I knew Ray was a special person and I was so pleased he found a path that allowed him to fulfil his ability, and to work in the US, whose culture and cars he clearly loved. It is moving for me to read now the memories from many young people that worked with Ray, how he has mentored and inspired them, and how his legacy will live on. I have always thought of Ray as a member of my close film family, and his sudden, unexpected and premature passing feels like that loss to me. When his family moved to Wales, my family lost contact with Lindsay and the boys, but when Ray drove home every weekend, for years on end, I always understood he was going to the idyllic loving family home situation that gave him the strength to continue his international career. To know that he made it home there from his last adventure is as peaceful as this closure can be.